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学费 & Affordability

Scots are for each other. At Saint Andrew’s School, 我们知道您孩子的教育是您的首要任务之一, and for most families, 投资私立学校教育需要周密的计划. 我们也知道,对孩子教育的投资就是对他们未来的投资, and at Saint Andrew’s, our goal is to make that future a bright one.


学费 for Academic Year 2024-2025

Lower School 


upper School Day
Grades 9 - 12


Lower School 
Grades  K - 5


Imprint of student hands in artwork

Payment Plans


Middle School 
Grades 6 - 8


Grades 9 - 12


Costs INcluded In 学费

Lower School Grades PK-5 学费 includes:
所有的书, 材料, and activities such as school supplies, 手册, and e-resources, 所有与在校期间进行的校内和校外实地考察有关的费用, 和年鉴. Healthy, nutritious hot lunch and snacks. 笔记本电脑- 3-5年级学生使用的Macbook Air.

Middle School Grades 6-8 学费 includes: Laptop computer - Macbook Air, 大多数书, 材料 and activities such as school supplies, 手册, and e-resources, participation on sports teams in season, extra time classes for additional academic support, study hall after school, and a 健康的, nutritious hot lunch.

上学校 Grades 9-12 学费 includes: Laptop computer - Macbook Air, 健康的, nutritious hot lunch, 参加运动队和课外活动, student activities, entry to most athletic events, extra help from classroom teachers, 额外的学术支持:包括数学和写作实验室, college and personal counseling, PSAT考试, athletic training services, student newspaper, lab fees and supplies, some field trips.


Costs NOT INcluded In 学费

All students: 

  • Transportation to/from school.
  • All students are required to wear uniforms. 访问 Jonathan Reed for additional information

成绩PK-2: 制服,课后护理,课后丰富活动.

等级3 - 5: 制服, 体育制服, extra athletic spirit wear, 班级旅行, some field trips and some enrichment activities. Opt-in tennis instruction and instrument rental fees.

成绩6 - 8: 制服, 体育制服, extra athletic spirit wear, overnight 班级旅行, some field trips and some enrichment activities. Opt-in tennis instruction and instrument rental fees, dance company uniform, opt-in after-school (non SA team) swim club, 网球俱乐部, 网球课, 年鉴, 可以在校园里的书店买到的小包补给品.

9 - 12年级:  制服、书籍、年鉴、运动服附加费、团队餐费等.AP和IB考试,一些学校的社交活动,通宵的班级旅行.



Financial Aid

We offer a comprehensive, 为k-12学前班学生提供基于需求的经济援助计划,为进入9年级的学生提供优秀奖学金计划. Each and every one of our Scots families is unique, and with a financial aid budget of over $4 million, 我们的财政援助计划每年帮助150多名符合条件的学生,从学前班到12年级,使圣安德鲁的教育在经济上可行.

Important to Know

Federal and State Funding




We Can't Wait to Meet You

我们学校寻找那些在学术上表现优异的学生, a high degree of motivation, concern for others, 并渴望成为我们博卡拉顿社区的一部分. Our school takes pride in our students' cultural diversity, strength of character, and respect for others. 
